Let’s Give This a Bash… Again.

At the start of 2017 I didn’t make any goals to post more blogs or blog on a weekly basis etc as it didn’t happen the year before and I didn’t want to set myself up for a fail. The only thing I think I actually stuck to this year was using my Bullet Journal every week, and now i’m OBSESSED.

As its approaching the end of the year I thought I would work on a post reflecting on the last year (it’s been an eventful one!), and maybe some simple goals for the next 12 months. Next year I will be turning 28, shock horror. I realise that in the grand scheme of things that is nothing but I feel like my life is running away from me. I’ve always thought that I wouldn’t have to be a proper adult until I hit the thirty mark. By that I mean, buying a house, starting a pension, thinking about kids…. that sort of stuff. Well Emma, you’re almost there!! So these next two years I want to fit in as much as I can, whatever I can.

2017 has been a pretty special year for me with some amazing experiences and wonderful memories made. The star on top of the tree was marrying my partner in crime. We got married in Central Park on the 4th July (go big or go home, right?!), just the two of us. It was more perfect. We had originally started planning a wedding in Ireland, we even had the venue and band booked. Before we got engaged we had always spoken about going away ourselves but with the excitement of it all we got wrapped up with trying to please everyone else. So at the start of the year we took a step back and started to look at what we actually wanted to do. As soon as we made our decision, we felt a weigh lift off and had the whole trip planned and booked by March, get married in New York and honeymoon in Mexico.

New York, New York!

What else has been going on this year? I’ve been taking as many mini breaks as I can around Europe. With flights being so affordable, and a sister hopping from place to place around Spain I had no excuse. It started off with a visit to my sister in Almería in Spain in April, followed by a trip to Amsterdam the following weekend for a friends 30th birthday. Then in July we went on our adventure to New York and Mexico, followed by a trip to Nottingham at the end of August to visit friends. A few weeks ago I visited my sister in Seville – which is an amazing city, I would recommend it to everyone. Extremely accessible from Ireland too. The last adventure of the year is a trip to Lough Derg in Tipperary to celebrate New Years with some of our closest friends. As you can see, it’s been a great year of visiting new places, and I already have a few trips planned for 2018.




So, the time has come for my 2018 goals and changes. I’m going to keep these simple, so that I have some chance of attaining them!

  • Get outside more – this one is on the list every year
  • Read more – 17 books read this year, not bad at all – need to keep this up
  • Watch less TV
  • Moisturise more / get a decent skincare routine
  • Complain less – stop being such a moan
  • Save more – for that house we might buy at some stage
  • Write more – another one that is always on the list

And that’s the lot… I think I can make a decent stab at some of those and hey, I have 365 days to at least try!



Christmas – Not as Planned

Originally I had planned to put up a photo journal of ‘Christmas in Dublin’. Unfortunately, I had a mishap with my phone and lost the majority of photos I had for this blog. Anything that did survive I will include at the end.

Continue reading “Christmas – Not as Planned”

A First Time Visitor to New York City!


New York is a wonderful city, however it is also gigantic so navigating your way around can initially be quite intimidating. Once you get used to it though, the numbered Avenues and Street system makes it almost impossible to get lost. You have two options to get to your destination – follow the street number uptown or downtown. 

Continue reading “A First Time Visitor to New York City!”